View of Pilot from the school building |
Well, I'm sitting here in the classroom I've slept in the past two nights and am going to sleep in again tonight doing nothing, so I thought I might as well post some pictures of this village on my blog.
This week is District Wide In-Services week. Most people were able to stay in their villages. I, however, was one of a few people who decided to take the trek to Pilot Station to do more Constructed Meaning training for elementary grades. I had never been to this village before and though I had CM training last year, thought it would be very beneficial to be trained in how to use it with the lower grades.
Walking down the road |
The beach |
Along the beach |
As we were coming into the last thirty minutes of training before going home, a voice came over the intercom. "Attention: There will be no flights out tonight due to crosswinds in the area..." I thought it was a joke. We were supposed to be heading home in an hour. Sadly, though, I realized that I would not be sleeping in my own, comfy bed. I would not get to go unpack my bush order groceries that had arrived that day and the day before. I wouldn't be taking a shower in my own bathroom that night. I was stuck in Pilot for another night; no pilots were coming to Pilot Station.
The classroom I slept in, pretty big! |
Pilot's road up the hill |
It's okay, don't despair too much on my behalf. For one of the teachers took the opportunity to show us around the village. She showed us her house, which surprised me how different it was from mine and any other house I had been in. It was quite small and a duplex. There were just two bedrooms, a small kitchen area, a bathroom, and the living room. The washer and dryer was shared with the other house in the duplex. Now we have a duplex in my village as well, but it is a newer type housing. This person's housing was a little bit older and more rugged looking. The interior was a wooden look. The window in the living room looked down over the village and you could see all the different colored houses.
Cliffs along the beach |
Then she took us down to the river, where we walked along the beach next to the cliffs. Pilot is on a large hill, much bigger than the one Mountain Village is on. Going from my village, which is flatter than a tortilla, to Pilot was a lot of work. My legs aren't as used to hilly land anymore. Nevertheless, I enjoyed all the sites and talking to some of the kids from another village that I hardly ever get the chance to visit.
In other news, last weekend it snowed on and off and when I woke up Monday to go to school I saw snow sticking to the ground. Although it melted by the end of the day, I'm sure I will wake up every morning to snow quite soon.
Cliffs in Pilot |
Porcupine skin |
Another view of the cliffs |
It's been an interesting last couple of days. I've learned lots and had lots of fun. I've loved getting together with teachers from all over the village and talking to them and getting to know them and what goes on in their villages. I hope you enjoyed reading about my most recent adventure in the Great White North!
hope you can get home soon - interesting to see new places I'm sure.