Looks like the weather is finally starting to warm up, the sun is staying out much longer, and there are more things to do and explore!
Wooden boat we found on the bank |
Captain of the Ship |
Wednesday me and a few other teachers drove to our neighboring village to go to the grocery store but also mainly to just get out and enjoy the beautiful weather. When we came back home, we found this old wooden boat up on the bank, so we climbed up to investigate. It was pretty neat to see all of the really neat things up there. I loved just exploring and walking around in a wooded area like my hometown. It reminded me of exploring the woods with my cousin as we were growing up.
Barge back in the trees |
Afterwards we goofed off and just sat in the sunshine as it gleamed down on us. The air was warm and beautiful. It's interesting to say it was warm, seeing as how it was only about 25 degrees, but we all took off our jackets and were sitting in the warm air enjoying ourselves.
Our snow machines look so cool! |
The week wasn't all just fun and games, though. I was in my classroom Thursday until six at night trying to get my purchase orders for next year's classroom done. Even staying that long, I still had to try to finish in the morning and it was very stressful. I'm moving to first grade, which is much different than seventh grade, and wasn't really sure I knew what I wanted. Luckily for me, I have awesome co-workers and a nice state mentor who helped me out a ton so that I think I have ordered most things that I will be needing for next year.
part of the bank sticking out |
"I'm going to dive!" |
Of course, after stressful days like Friday, it's nice to relax with a fun game of Volleyball! Seventh and eighth graders aren't allowed to be on the team, but our coach holds a camp for them to prepare those who might want to play in a few years. On Friday some of the teachers went out and played with them. We had a lot of fun, just playing around. Not many of us teachers are very good at the sport, but we sure enjoy playing around. One of my students didn't want to be on my team because he was sure we would lose; I guess he must've seen me play before. Even so, we all had a good time and we didn't keep score so it was all good.
Just sitting on some stumps |
Just four more weeks of school left. The longer the sun stays up, the more events the school has, like cultural days, prom, and graduation. I think the next few weeks will be interesting, busy, and quick. Hopefully there will be a lot of good pictures for you all to enjoy!
how interesting! love that boat. I bet 25 does feel warm after months of -10 to 20, I remember when we lived in Idaho our neighbor girl laying out to suntan when it was 50 and sunny and she was in a swimsuit